How It Works?

The data from the sensors is sent to the web server responsible for the project In the system, a script has been created that monitors all scales for positive nectar growth and when there is growth it sends an email to all admins in the system.

Secured Data

The data is encrypted and stored in a secure database.

24/7 Online

The app is hosted on a dedicated server with a 1 Gbps connection and is 24/7 ON!.

Responsive Design

The app is designed to work on all devices and all screen sizes.

Awesome Features

Sensors are placed in the hives and are connected to the Arduino board. The Arduino board is connected to the internet and sends the data to the web server.

  • Monitoring

    The system is designed to monitor the hives and send an email to you when the hives need extra attention.

  • Easy To Use

    The system is designed to be easy to use and to be accessible to everyone.

  • Efficiency

    The system is designed to be efficient and to save time and money.

  • Chart

    The system is designed to show the data in a chart and to be easy to understand.

  • Solar Panel

    The system is designed to be powered by solar panels and to be independent of the electricity grid.

  • Live Notifications

    The system is designed to send notifications to your email when the hives need attention.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about the system.

At the momemnt we are not selling the system.

Yes, BeeMo is compatible with all modern browsers and devices.

There are no special requirements for using BeeMo. You just need to have hives and a computer or a phone with internet connection.

You can get support for BeeMo by contacting us via email or phone. We will be happy to help you.

Still have a question? Ask your question here

App Screenshots

Check out the screenshots of the app to see how it looks like.